WHMCS DNS Suite/Management Module
How much is your module?
There are 3 version of the DNS Suite Module
Free with basic DNS Editor
Premium for $50 / year
Professional for $100 / year
What are difference between each version?
The Free version does not contain the Admin interface. While the professional includes the use of DynDNS API and the DNS Template system.
What are the requirements to use the module?
Your must have a DirectAdmin account with Addon-domain functionality. If you do not have a DirectAdmin server. You can order one here
Do you offer Owned version?
No, we do not.
Is this encoded?
Yes, it is encoded with Ioncube just like WHMCS
Do you offer unencoded version?
No, we do not.
How many installs can I run with one license?
You can install on one WHMCS install
Got more questions? Contact us here
What version of WHMCS does it support?
It supports 7.0+
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